Believe it or not, we've only just scratched the surface. Each library and tool mentioned here could easily be further sub-divided into lists of plugins, packages, add-ons, and other extensions.
There's also more we could do with the data we already have. For example, we've yet to analyze the results we collected on which app features devs value the most, and their opinions about the general state of the language. We'll work on these extra results in the coming weeks and let you know as soon as they're ready.
In any case, just like last year our overall conclusion remains the same: JavaScript keeps improving and evolving at an ever-increasing pace. This is a bit scary, but it's also exciting: after all, you know that learning JavaScript is never going to get boring!
So what will the future bring? Will typed JavaScript become mainstream? Will GraphQL really take over the world? Will JavaScript "flavors" like Reason or Elm become the default way of coding? There's only one way to find out: tune in next year for #StateOfJS 2018!